


Survival Zombie is a public event in which you can participate from ages 10 and up. If the player’s age is between 14 and 17, they must bring a signed authorization by their parents / legal tutors together with a photocopy of the signing adult’s ID. From 10 to 13 years, in addition to the authorization signed by the parents / legal tutors and The photocopy of the signing adult’s ID, it must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for the minor. Said adult must go together with the minor throughout the whole event.

The players will wear a bracelet and an identification garment delivered by the organization. The colors are as follows.

  • Green. Green are players.
  • Pink. Year Season Card holders with special features.
  • Red. They identify zombies.
  • Yellow. The organization staff. They can be zombies, survivors, soldiers, guards, civil protection or monitors infiltrated among the players.
  • Blue. Press and observers. They are invisible to you. You should not interact with them (nor they with you). They only observe, photograph and then write articles in press and magazines about the event.

To participate in this real game is not necessary an excellent physical form , although the adventure will be quite demanding as there is a big area to travel back and forth. The schedule and the six hours of the event can also be demanding. However, we know by experience that anyone can play and become survivors.

Although players will have much of the information that concerns the whole event, the game will be full of surprises and exciting moments, even frightening!

Are you ready to survive?

The game is simple!

Objetivo del juego
Hold on all night long without getting killed by the zombies while you solve the clues and puzzles thrown in for your pleasure and despair!

Keep in mind that the slightest contact with a zombie or a foe eliminates you from the game as a survivor. But don't worry, you can continue playing by joining the zombie side. Just go to our makeup zone and you are set. Or you can leave the game by simply taking off your identification bracelet.

You should not hide and wait for the night to pass. Move on, and quite a lot. You should look for clues that you can follow on a printed map given to you on the check-in. Stay connected with other players via radio, twitter or Facebook, via mobile, or pay attention to verbal clues that actors will give you if you interact with them in the prepared scenes.

There may be other ways to get clues, not described here; we will not reveal everything!

In the first edition, an average of almost 18 kilometers had to be done to get the clues together, and no one succeeded. The result was as unexpected as realistic: isolated survivors of several groups joined other survivors who had been left alone and each contributed several clues (of the 9 to get in that edition). The joint venture of survivors of different groups became the formula that created the three groups that came alive from the event; the first by helicopter and the other two by hot air balloon.

The use of laser pointers for survivors is prohibited. Attention also to the use of flashlights to dazzle zombies and other members of the organization. Please.

This is the typical map that will be given to you at the check-in, featuring the play area

You must all wear the player identification garment (green, red or pink). Hiding the garment so that zombies do not attack you is grounds for expulsion.

You cannot use any means of transport other than your own trusty feet. This includes your own vehicles, bicycles, skates, skateboards, motorcycles, and anything other than your feet. Maybe a pair of good shoes 🙂 The use of vehicles will be sanctioned with the expulsion of the player.

Very important: It is forbidden to drink alcohol and consume any type of narcotic substances before and during the event. Any person in this state will be expelled from the event immediately.

How is someone expelled from the event? Very simple, cutting the identifying bracelet and removing the garment we choose for this edition - the garment does not become the property of the player until the end of the event. If you survive you will keep your green garment. If you have been infected you will keep a red garment. If you are expelled, you will not keep anything.

All contact by the survivor to zombies is prohibited. You cannot defend, board, load or anything similar. If you get caught in an alley, be dead or get into the role as in "Walking Dead" and make a good performance as "food for zombies"!

Our goal as organizers is to make it very, very difficult. In the first edition we got about 800 infected who started as survivors. The picture at dawn with hundreds of exhausted zombies wandering the streets of the town was impressive. In the more or less 260 editions that followed (all of them different from each other) everything has been seen. You have videos on the WRG and Survival Zombie TV channel that will help you understand how the game develops.

Otras vías de comunicación
Read the web documentation and stay tuned to Facebook and Twitter where we talk every day and answer questions from the players.

The reality is that almost all of you are going to become zombies sooner or later. Your most difficult challenge in the event, however, is to live up when the time comes to die!

When you are a zombie you will join a horde, commanded by experienced monitors who will guide you in search of food: the rest of the survivors. You can not run, but your number and the fatigue of the survivors will give you an advantage and sooner or later, you can kill them all. Being a zombie is extremely fun: scare people whether they are players or not; get into the role of a living dead, eliminate (or not) players. Wandering around a town at night crawling and moaning is priceless (especially when you spot yourself in the videos that players records, later on!).